A Desperate Nation

A Desperate Nation

Author: Daniel Scott
Series: A Desperate Man, Book 2
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Publisher: LMBPN Publishing

Matthew Brand refuses to die.

Four years after his terrifying reign, the worst fears come true. FBI Agent Allison Moore and her daughter are gone. Rumors swirl: has Brand cheated death?

Detective Jake from Katy, Texas is on the case. Sharp. Methodical. Though new to this darkness, his insights cut deep.

Then there's Art Brayden, the seasoned Assistant Director of FBI Operations. Brayden's personal stakes run deep; he's battled Brand's shadows before and lost. Now, with Moore missing, it's personal.

The Wall once confined Brand, but could it have empowered him? Now, he's not just after souls. He craves apocalypse.

He once bathed the U.S. in blood. As Jake and Art chase him, he's plotting a global nightmare.

Can they untangle Brand's deadly web and avert disaster?

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