No Rest for the Dead

No Rest for the Dead

Author: A.W. Powers
Series: The Psychic Guardian Angel, Book 2
Genre: Serial Killer Thriller
Publisher: Marlowe & Vane

The dead are tired of waiting. They want justice.

Jacob Daniels is the tool they have chosen to help them find peace. The only way to live the life he wants is to accept his gift and become their guardian angel.

Daniels has his fun at a Halloween Corn Maze ruined by ghosts who are seeking vengeance. While searching for the missing father of a friend, he discovers that the killer is a pupil of Martin Franklin.

But the student has exceeded the teacher.

Daniels finds himself with a target on his back once again as he works to track down the witness who has seen the killer.

However, the killer learned from his mentor’s mistakes and isn’t afraid to use the people Daniels cares about as leverage to make him stop. Daniels and all who care about him become targets as well.

Can a psychic who wants a normal life become a weapon for the spirit world and survive unscathed? Or will he become another victim?

A.W. Powers

The characters in the world of A.W. Powers come to him in dreams and when he is mowing the lawn. He can't decide if he should quit mowing or go into business and mow more lawns. The characters want their stories told and have chosen him to be their mouthpiece. He believes his characters have many of the features he desires but is sadly lacking. Even the bad guys. Powers spends his time failing to understand the behaviors of people, but appreciative of what they do, knowing he couldn't make it up. No one can. But it's all material. Fortunately, he spends his time writing, not scratching his head and creating a bald spot.

The Psychic Guardian Angel series arrived in a series of nightmares. Powers recognized the literary value of the nightmares, and the therapeutic value of using them in his writing. If there are any extended streaks of low creativity, like writer's block or too much fun, the nightmares get worse and will even repeat themselves until making their way into a notebook or file for future use and he is back at the keyboard. Sleep can be difficult enough without having characters and plotlines nagging at you, requiring resolution or exorcism.

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